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LSM – 13"Bekem Yntymak Jashtar uyumu" 18+
Location Ak-Suu village
About NGO General association "BekemYntymakJashtaruyumu".
"Bekem Yntymak Ak-suu Jashtar uyumu" is a non-profit organization bringing together young volunteers with the mission of involving youth in civil society through volunteerism, project design, and cooperation both locally and internationally. "Bekem Yntymak Ak-suu Jashtar uyumu"was founded on January 29, 2016 as a youth volunteer organization under the auspices of the public association "BekemYntymakAk-suuJashtaruyumu" , a centre of civic society initiatives.
Volunteer’s Role:
- Assist in the coordination of our youth volunteer and the organization of regular meetings as well as motivation and team-building activities.
- Participate in the organization and implementation of various events.
- Plan and implement short-term international volunteer projects and summer camps together with program coordinator.
- Get involved in fundraising activities.
- Actively participate in our current projects.
- Hold language courses and discussion clubs.
- Create any PR materials of our organization: possibilities include booklets, mini clips, photo exhibitions, etc.
You will live with a local host family; they will provide you with your own room and all the necessary conveniences. You will join your host family for breakfast and dinner while lunch will be provided at the office with other members of"BekemYntymakAk-suuJashtaruyumu".
The program fee covers administrative charges, accommodation and food (provided by a host-family), pre-departure preparation assistance, beginner's Russian/Kyrgyz language classes and 24-hour support and guidance from professional, locally based staff.
Note: A volunteer is requested to have basic skills working with youth people, as well as basic Russian or Kyrgyz language skills. New methods/approaches are always welcomed.