
Jitka Pultarová  Czech Republic 2022

I would like to share my experience from the workcamp „Happy sun“. This workcamp was primarily focused on working with children with disabilities. After being welcomed, I was accommodated in a family in Teplokluchenko village. It was the first time I could enjoy traditional Kyrgyz hospitality. I spent wonderful time with Ana and Aychurek and talked a lot about the life in Kyrgystan.  

The first days I worked in an inklusive kindergarten. I had an opportunity to see how to work with children who have some physical or mental disabilities. 

 On Tuesday I moved to a new family to Karakol. Aizat family provided me with a nice accommodation and interesting experiences went on. I had practice in the kindergarten with autistic children, lessons with a private teacher, amazing days in the library with Aychurek and presentation about my workcamps that I had already participated in. 

 The weekends were special because I could spend time on the lake cayaking, in Altyn Arashan and Jetty Oguz hiking. Time passed very quickly and I had to go home. 

 Special thanks to Nastia who is the leader of the organisation and coordinated all the activities. Thanks to her I also visited wedding celebration which was extraordinary experience for me. 

I really loved this workcamp, it was well organised, I met many interesting people and hope to come back again soon. 

Jitka Pultarová
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